As 2017 comes to an end, I reflect back on my year, my accomplishments, the adventures I had, the new friends I made, and the laughter, love and heartbreak I shared with those closest to me. One of my biggest accomplishments this past year was starting my blog and sharing my story with the intent of inspiring others. While I wasn’t able to keep up with it as much as I originally had hoped, I did manage to churn out 12 articles on heartbreak and loss, forgiveness, parenting, and self-awareness. It wasn’t an easy decision to put myself out there and share my story with everyone, particularly coming from a culture that does not openly share. However, I changed my life over the past several years and was able to turn heartbreak and hurt into something good and meaningful, and I wanted to share my journey. I am truly blessed for all the support and love I have gotten, including the messages, the comments, the hearts, the likes, and the many conversations over coffee. What has truly touched me the most this past year, is those that have reached out and told me that it made a difference to them — that means the world to me, as it is the whole reason I started this blog.
For me there have been so many lessons this past year, but I want to share with you in my last blog of 2017 the most important one. Tomorrow is promised to no one, today is all we have, so be here now, be present and be in the moment. No matter what you are doing, playing with your kids, working out, taking a walk, having dinner with friends, be all in, relish in the moment, feel it and truly live it. The present moment is all we have and recognizing it and feeling it, is the essence of really living. So, stop and be, and you will see, feel and experience things you have never noticed or felt before.
Goodbye 2017, hello 2018, here is to a new year of adventures, opportunities, love and laughter, and to continuing growing to a higher level.
Happy New Years!
-Live & Be at a Higher Level-